Subject Originator Replies Time
Imatron's reunion and closing party on 7/21/08file link Arthur Roberts 0 06/17/2008, 09:40:25
Classmates Mick 0 11/19/2007, 23:12:12
Bumpmore Arthur Roberts 3 10/25/2005, 02:41:41
Hiring thru employee referrals. Ship it. 0 05/31/2005, 13:37:15
Looking for a VP Engineering & Programsfile Shannon Batson 0 02/03/2005, 12:04:20
Dave Hill's Imatron Gathering is back!file link more Arthur Roberts 1 02/02/2005, 12:15:33
Career opportunity, immediate Rose Hentemann 0 12/03/2004, 15:13:28
stock price....more former investor 1 12/01/2004, 15:41:56
CTO position in Sunnyvale consult2004 0 11/11/2004, 18:21:25
GE Imatron C300link corporate_cadaver 0 10/13/2004, 15:04:29
Past, Present, and Futuremore brecko 1 10/04/2004, 18:53:49
FYI/Job Description Nina Wilson 0 09/17/2004, 11:34:19
AccuImage/Software Engineer Position Nina Wilson 0 09/15/2004, 23:14:25
Way out of the loop.more peter cooke 2 08/12/2004, 18:01:26
Way out of the loop. peter cooke 0 08/12/2004, 18:01:11
Looking for contact information for Erik Chell Neil Rauch 0 05/18/2004, 12:01:18
Update on tech jobs within imaging - medical & security Neil Rauch 0 05/15/2004, 21:57:39
Alive and kicking michaelp 0 04/14/2004, 14:34:41
How's your job search going?more Arthur Roberts 5 04/02/2004, 00:47:02
Tera Recon?more dbh12 2 03/08/2004, 19:47:43